Be a real leader and people will follow you: the qualities of leaders that the world loves — Motivation

The world loves a leader…you can see it everywhere: in organizations, societies, states, countries, and even on the internet…there is no part of the world where people aren’t eagerly looking for someone to follow, learn from and take action. Real leaders are admired by people because they show the world how value can be added to every activity. Be a true leader and people will follow you. (Featured image credit:

via Be a real leader and people will follow you: the qualities of leaders that the world loves — Motivation

A good read this Tuesday morning.

5 thoughts on “Be a real leader and people will follow you: the qualities of leaders that the world loves — Motivation

  1. Yernasia Quorelios October 15, 2019 — 8:16 am


    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

    A Sheep follows a Shepherd and is Directed by a SheepDog Instructed by The Shepherd; many “Leaders”, whether Passive Benevolent or Aggresive Malevolent, ARE MEAN DICTATORS!!! who DO NOT!!! have ‘Co-Operation’ in Their Vocabulary regardless of whether this LACK!!! of Common Sense is UnConscious, ReActive or Conscious…the Most Effective Teams I Have Observed ARE ALL Equitable and “Leadership” is on an As Required Basis; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that The Temptation to ‘BE IN CHARGE!!!’ is Too Much for Many to Resist so We Get:

    ♤ Bullies
    ♤ Incompetents
    ♤ Drivel

    …and Other “Leadership” Lacks; a Team “Led” by Co-Operation Works Wonders and sure, when in doubt there is always folk We Turn to for ReAssurance, these ARE Reluctant “Leaders”, even if it’s only for A Moment…so, as a Solitary Writer with NoOne to TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!, I Suggest NEVER!!! Doubt Your Own Confidence and Self-Esteem if You CHOOSE!!! to be in Groups; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that The DownSide of Your Clear Confidence and Self-Esteem is that Your “Leader” will Get Nervous then UnderMine You and Eject You from The Group 🤗

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇


    Liked by 2 people

  2. thanks alot for sharing

    Liked by 3 people

  3. I have enjoyed reading this post. I find it very edifying. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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